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    Having witnessed his junkie father killed Russell Stevens grows up to become a policeman and make a difference. When he is offered an undercover job by Gerald Carver he accepts and begins to build a relationship with David Jason in order to get to the main dealers. However as he is forced to deal drugs and kill to keep his cover he finds the lines between cop and criminal being lost – is he a cop pretending to be a dealer or a dealer pretending to be a cop  Larry (as he was then) Fishburne's first lead role was a typically dark vehicle. The story is the usual one of cop losing himself when undercover, however it manages to be more than that for most of the time. Co-written by Tolkin, who wrote The Player, this naturally has a nice cynical edge to it when it looks at the US's hypocritical approach to drug control and the political links between the street hustlers and the political high rollers who court respectability. The story does eventually settle into a traditional setting but even then it works well as a thriller.  The multi-talented Bill Duke directs well with a gritty feel and a few nice touches. However several things are a bit iffy. For most of the film Fishburne's narrationvoice over is a bit like a cross between Apocalypse Now and Blade Runner – it comes across as a little too dark and heavy and also explains things like we can't figure it out ourselves. However once you get into the film it's not as big a deal. My main problem lies with the characters.  Fishburne is excellent, a real model of underlying anger and violence, Goldblum is good but perhaps a little OTT on the yuppieviolence thing, but there's good support from Smith and Spin City's beautiful (and often underused – but not here) Victoria Dillard. However the two main white characters (Goldblum and Smith) are both smeared with racist insinuations – Smith appears to insult his black officers and doesn't care about the junkies, while Goldblum is fascinated about all things black and talks about them as wild beautiful beasts and loves having sex with black'. These things aren't a major problem, but with basically only two white characters in it, it's a little worrying that both are given that edge.  However these are minor complaints that get lost with a good thriller. Fishburne excels and Duke delivers a story that is a good thriller but also has a jaded, subversive edge.


    • 6.0正片二二六鹤见辰吾,佐野史郎,三浦友和,竹中直人,南果步,宅麻伸,大和田伸也,石桥保,渡濑恒彦,小野寺昭,本木雅弘,加藤雅也,贺来千香子,仲代达矢,隆大介,八千草薰,松方弘树,石松葛兹,今井雅之,梅宫辰夫,有森也实,安田成美,罇真佐子,胜野洋,长门裕之,萩原健一,铃木瑞穗,加藤昌彦,加藤武,丹波哲郎,高松英郎,根津甚八,田村高广,名取裕子,氏木毅,新克利,久我美子,山内敏男,藤谷美和子,川谷拓三,早川雄三,芦田伸介,田中浩,Mieko Takamine,三上宽,金子信雄,高部知子
    • 6.0正片楚萨娅Наталья Романычева,Евгений Ткачук,Кирилл Полухин
    • 8.0更新HD中字钢铁拳薇姬·朱迪,杰森·安顿,肖恩·帕森
    • 3.0超清憨嘉郑人硕,李亦捷,陈慕义,吴佳珊,
    • 10.0正片皮雷的慷慨基里安·墨菲,布莱丹·格里森,加布里埃尔·伯恩,吉姆·布劳德本特,布莱丹·格里森,Jodie Whittaker,娜塔莉·布里顿
    • 10.0正片反贪风暴2(普通话版)古天乐,张智霖,周渝民,蔡少芬,林保怡
    • 2.0超清死吻拉尔夫·米克,阿尔伯特·德科,保罗·斯图尔特,Joe,Hernandez,杰克·兰伯特,Silvio,Minciotti,Mort,Marshall,James,McCallion,Ben,Morris,伦纳德米迪,Robert,Sherman,Paul,Richards,Mady,Comfort,加比·罗杰斯,James,Seay,Leigh,Snowden,Kitty,White,佩尔西·赫尔顿,John,George,Sam,Balter,斯特罗瑟·马丁,克萝丽丝·利奇曼,Bing,Russell,
    • 3.0HD预言桑德拉·布洛克,朱利安·麦克马洪,肖恩·麦克卢
    • 1.0HD神威天使龚幼春,李雅雅,贾瑞新,任乃长
    • 6.0超清战俘列车弗兰克·辛纳特拉,特瑞沃·霍华德,拉法艾拉·卡拉,布拉德·德克斯特,赛尔乔·凡托尼,约翰·莱顿
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    • 4.0HD总统刺杀令Daryl,Hannah,Doug,Savant,兰道尔·洛威,Randall,Lowell

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