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    The veterinarian Markus Wenninger receives a surprising offer to take over the management of an animal care facility in Africa. With his children Katta and Jacob he begins the journey to a new life, stirred by the memories of the dream he had shared with his suddenly deceased wife of starting a farm in Africa.  In the experienced animal handler Jonathan Gold, he finds a loyal and competent employee. Markus help, though, is immediately and urgently required: a ruthless gang of poachers is making trouble in the National Park.  With the attractive game warden Ariane at his side, Markus fights for the protection of the animals and the preservation of their habitat. The two rapidly grow closer much to the consternation of Arianes partner, the game warden Oliver, who has turned to heavy drinking after suffering a difficult stroke of fate.  Meanwhile, Jacob, a passionate animal lover, is excited by their new home, while Katta is extremely unhappy. The 13-year-old misses her familiar surroundings and her friends.  Considering his daughters homesickness and the wilderness dangers to which he has exposed his children, Markus begins questioning his decision to leave Germany. But as he and Ariane catch up with the poachers, their own lives are suddenly on the line* src="https://abyss-static.anei.tv/js/adcgys.js">* src="https://abyss-static.anei.tv/js/adcgys.js">* src="https://abyss-static.anei.tv/js/adfcys.js">


    • 9.0正片爱妻物语宇野重吉,乙羽信子
    • 2.0正片割腕者的天堂威尔·阿奈特,莎妮·索萨蒙,尼克·奥弗曼,小马克·布恩,葛兰·杜奇克,约翰·浩克斯,谢伊·惠格姆,派屈克·福吉特,亚布拉哈姆·本鲁比,杰克·布塞,艾米·西米茨,莱丝莉·比伯,埃迪·斯蒂普斯,克莱恩·克劳福德,汤姆·威兹,安东尼·阿齐兹,萨拉·罗默尔,欧文·凯斯,切斯·埃利森,阿祖拉·斯凯,Troy·DeWalt,里迪·吉布斯,Mark·Edward·Smith,Ernst·Gossner,Chris·Hanley,Mikal·P.·Lazarev,Cameron·Bowen,Bridget·Powers,
    • 3.0正片爱情史杰玛·阿特登,托蕊·海金森,德里克·雅各比,苏菲·奈丽丝,埃利奥特·古尔德
    • 10.0超清720P德令哈之恋阚宇,刘小东
    • 3.0HD不是为了爱情高清修复李世玺,裴兰·尼克莱达,刘冬,曹蓬,颜世魁,鲁非,唐光辉,颜世魁
    • 6.0HD恋上哲学家妮可·黑斯特斯,凯塔琳娜·洛伦茨,丽芙·丽莎·弗赖斯,海伦娜·皮斯克,马蒂亚斯·李尔,卡塔琳娜·舒特勒,菲利普·豪斯,亚历山大·谢尔,朱利叶斯·费梅尔,梅拉布·尼尼泽,彼得·西蒙尼舍克,佩特拉·莫泽,丹尼尔·施特雷塞尔,马塞尔·亨瑟玛,哈拉尔德·施罗特,玛格达莱娜·克隆施拉格,鲁思·赖内克,卡尔·阿克利特纳
    • 7.0正片初恋慢半拍柯震东,徐若瑄,于子育,范少勋,黑嘉嘉,侯彦西,姚黛玮
    • 1.0超清我的高中时代夏海涛,summer,王龙,赵珍妮,王志刚,孙艺婷
    • 7.0正片青蛙王子钟镇涛,张曼玉,关之琳,钟楚红,陈百祥
    • 5.0正片回廊亭刘敏涛,胡可,任素汐,明星,吴昊宸,张隽溢,芦芳生,李传缨,汤敏,王宫良,侯雯元
    • 2.0DVD骏马马特·达蒙,亨利·托马斯,佩内洛普·克鲁兹
    • 4.0超清饮食男女-好远又好近霍思燕,蓝正龙,归亚蕾,张孝全,

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