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    SUESUT was kicked out from his band by the reason that his image does not look Indy enough to be a member of a Pop Indy band. He decided to form a new band by himself brings JIM and TO as new members.Meanwhile SUESUT has a deal with his mom to keep on running the Bakery shop from his father if his mother lets him set up a band in his house.Even so, his band don’t look cool enough. SUESUT and his band mates go ask PIEKPOON, a professional bakery chef’s daughter, to be the trainer to improve the image of his band. She changes their styles and trains them how to perform and at the same time she tries to help them run the bakery.Their friendship between the pretty trainer and the Indy Band members are getting along well. Business is also booming for the bakery. Inevitably, love between PIEKPOON and SUESAT blooms.Till one day Small Rule band members have to go to a bakery competition and audition to be new stars at the same day. It’s time to choose which one is right for them.


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